Important Mask hygiene

Never touch the front of the mask…always remove holding the head or ear elastics. Clean your hands before you put your mask on, as well as before and after you take it off, and after you touch it at any time. Make sure it covers both your nose, mouth and chin....

Public restroom facts and tips

Myth: Toilet Seats Are the Dirtiest Thing in the Bathroom…wrong It’s the Sink and faucet handles The sink and faucet handles are the real germ-infested culprits of the public restroom. Sinks create the perfect environment for colonies of harmful organisms....

How to reduce toilet germs

  Fecal matter carries diseases that are transmittable via toilet seats and unsanitary washroom surfaces. This makes bathrooms one of the germiest places on earth. Proper hygiene and sanitation practices in your community can reduce the spread of germs through...

Sanitary disposal units and the law

Even if you are a male chances are that you are aware of the sanitary disposal unit which is found in most public and private female toilet facilities. Sanitary towels and tampons are used by women the world over during their period so the provision of sanitary...

Toilet paper for sale

Livi toilet paper Quality toilet rolls sold in boxes of 48 Did you know: About four billion people don’t use toilet paper. About 70% – 75 % of the world’s population does not use toilet paper. People in some parts of the world do not use toilet paper due...

Paper Towel dispensers and hand towel refills for sale

Paper Towel dispensers for sale.  Paper Towel refills are available – One box is 3200 interleaved hand towels, 16 packs per box.  Most paper towels marketed today contain at least two layers of paper pressed together, but more absorbent brands may have three or...